Wednesday, 22 September 2010

World's Largest Pinhole Camera... For real!

A team of six artists of the Legacy Project and an army of assistants and volunteers converted an abandoned F-18 jet fighter hanger at El Toro MCAS in Orange County, California into a gigantic pinhole camera, and then hung a single, seamless piece of light sensitive muslin cloth from the ceiling of the hanger.
On July 8, 2006 the cloth was exposed to light streaming through a hole less than 1/4″ in diameter.

Below is the photo, called The Great Picture and according to the Guinness Book of Records, the world’s largest photograph taken by the world’s largest camera.
That is quite the amazing feat, at the beginning of this blog and assignment it was weird trying to get my head around being able to take a picture with a pin-hole. Sure it made sense but it’s pretty amazing and of course this is where photographs began; no matter how much technology evolves this is still the beginning and this photo is a great example of that.

For me this has been the best part of looking at pinhole photography, sure I took my own photos and developed them but this just is something else. The guy who came up with the idea to do this Clayton Spada, had just came back from a summer in China where he had led students in the making of large scale pinhole photographs; its like this was an instant thought, who knows if anyone else would of thought of this... It might be where photography began but most people would have been all well we can just take a picture on my digital camera or we could have an artist paint it??? That's simply inspirational and has to be a sign to think bigger!

If you want to look at basic pinhole camera stuff or read about how they developed such a gigantic photo check out the link below...

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